Advanced Universal Spawner contains full-fledged and customizable
AI Spawn System
AI Waves Spawn System (2 types)
Actors Spawn System
This will help you fill in actors quickly and easily, populate AI, or make a wave level. The system is easy to use.
There are 3 types of spawn available for you: Spline, Sphere, Box.
There are 4 types of spawn objects: Actors (Any blueprints), HISM, Sprites, Pawns (AI).
In addition to the usual Pawn type spawn, 2 types of AI Waves Spawn System are also available in the spawner.
The system is also presented with a respawn system for all types of spawn.
Bonus for AI Waves Spawn System:
2 types of game-ready Towers inside - Laser (FX) and Laser Shot, with settings (damage, attack speed).
With the ability to select a zone for tracking enemy.
Preview // Example Actors Spawn // Documentation // ProMaxx Studio Characters
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3 types of spawn: using a spline, sphere or box.
Full-fledged AI Spawn system.
Available for spawn: Actors, HISM, Sprites, Pawns.
Respawn with the ability to set a limit: Actors, HISM, Sprites, Pawns.
3 spawn modes:
Main Spawn (Actor, HISM, Sprites, Pawns).
Waves Mode.
Increase Waves Mode (An increase in the number with each new wave).
2 types of spawn: on the land or in the air.
Compatible with World Partition and World Composition.
Network Replicated.
You can add a Behavior Tree for Pawn type or not.
Spawn exclusion zones: sphere or box.
2 types of game-ready Towers inside: Laser (FX) and Laser Shot, with settings (damage, attack speed)
Towers have been added the ability to select a zone to track the enemy.
Easy to add and use.
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