Demo "Environment, character, and sound are not included in the package."
Notice: If you need a complete edition of this product is HERE.
Notice: Path Tracer doesn't support this product.
Dust and Smoke Effects help you to make your game or visualization more attractive and alive.
with more than 50 Niagara systems with different shapes and different Movements.
Also, we provide a Spline Smoke Blueprint to help you to make large-scale smoke in different directions and shapes.
Just add your particle to the scene and change some parameters, Done.
you might also be interested in Fire Effects, Rain Effects, Explosions,
Full Control, Easy to Use, and Strong variety.
*. for Cinematic purposes please follow these steps :
Find and open (EnvEmitter_GasEmitter_HitEmitter_VehicleEmitter).
Uncheck Everything under SCALABILITY.
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