Demo v.1.02.3
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Discord : https://discord.gg/N22PxcWTKT
Update notes
1.02.3 (2024-10-24)
Fixed missing root motion of 1H-B_Jog_Loop
Fixed shoulder twist bones of 1H-A_Jog_Start/Stop, Guard_Jog_Start/Loop/Stop
1.02.1-1.02.2 (2024-09-24)
Improved pre-retargeted UE5 animations (only on UE5.3 or above)
Applied micro adjustment on some animations
1.02 (2024-09-10)
Improved overall locomotion animations
Added new animations: crouch, slide, directional jump, sprint, 180 turn-in-place
Added looping spin attack
Improved overall shoulders/clavicles area of most animations
QoL update (2024-03-11)
Added UE5 skeleton with retargeted animations (only on UE5.3 or above)
Added IKRig and IKRetargeter
Implemented Enhanced Input
Changed project type to asset pack (can now add to project instead of creating a new one)
Restructured folders and renamed files to be more organized
1.01.3 (2023-07-26)
Fixed initial rotation of root motion on turn-in-place animations.
1.01.2 (2022-05-18)
Applied root motion into basic locomotion animations including Walk, Jog, Run, Brake, Idle_to_Jog for all stance Note: Disable force root lock and enable root motion for each newly updated animations to switch from in-place to root motion.
1.01.1 (2022-05-13)
Fixed charged attack functionality to work properly
1.01 (2022-05-12)
Added new 63 animations
Added aim offset poses for all stances
Added new functions into the character blueprint (air attack, charged attack)
Changed default dodge animations
Changed jump primary attack to air attack (was plunge attack)
Added jump secondary attack to plunge attack
1.00.1 (2022-01-24)
Fixed missing animation keys of 1H_Hurt_Variations_06_Seq
Corrected animation display name texts in Demonstration level
This package includes essential animations for a character with great sword combat style, with a playable character blueprint. Recommended for an action RPG game.
This package contains 2 styles of great sword animation : one-handed(1H), two-handed(2H)
Each style has 2 stances : normal(A), battle(B)
So there are 4 main stances in this package : 1H-A, 1H-B, 2H-A, 2H-B
Looking for a framework to use with these animations? Check out the Flexible Combat System one of the top rated frameworks on the marketplace LINK
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