The Procedural Instance Spawner is made to enrich game environments through procedural spawning.
The spawner utilizes background threads to minimize performance impact and is fully deterministic.
Includes blueprint functions for removal of spawned meshes in runtime.
Environment showcase video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgqv0I9QYVU
Video tutorial - Get started using the plugin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmq-x-SIxfY
Environment showcase video 2 - Large spruce forest https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IPl7e7rRMvA
Timelapse of creating a forest environment using the Procedural Instance Spawner plugin https://youtu.be/53bbzv8ATD4
Runtime spawning
Utilizes background threads
Hierarchical synchronization enabling complex worlds
Support for Large World Coordinates
Accurate collision and proximity tests
Filter spawning by object types to spawn on, object types to spawn under and object types that blocks spawning
Center spawning around active camera, world location or a specified actor
Advanced settings for rotation, scaling and height offset of spawned instances
Settings for spawn filtering includes: Height interval, Slope intervals, Collision checks, Sphere traces, Object Proximity, Cluster filtering and filtering by Surface Type/Landscape Layer
Presets to immediately get going
Settings that allow for fine tweaking
Prepared for adding of custom spawn point filtering and/or function for finding spawn points
Includes Blueprint functions: Regenerate, Remove Spawned, Reset Removed, Remove Instance, Remove Overlapped Instances, Get Spawner Data, Load Instances From Data Structure.
For more information please check out the Documentation
Version 1.3 - Bug fixes and added setting for including objects with mobility set to Movable when tracing (Off by default).
Version 1.2 - Significant generation speedup!
(After updating to the new version, please regenerate the spawners to ensure optimal performance. This will prevent duplication of instances spawned with previous versions.)
Version 1.1 - Added support for filtering by Surface Types.
- versions