- skeletons knights
- 7 basic sets of armor - swordsman, with axe, with broadsword, spearman, crossbowman, robber, with hammer
- Modular Parts-
7 helmets
7 cuirasses
7 gloves
7 pants
7 boots
4 balaclavas
1 cloak
3 knee pads
3 elbow pads
4 shoulder pads
- 6 weapons- sword, broadsword, axe, crossbow, spear, dagger, hammer.
- 6 shields -2 wooden, 4 metal.
- all modular parts are compatible with each other (some hats and balaclavas and raincoat are not compatible) , you can assemble different skeleton warriors .
- you can change the colors of clothing and armor, add or remove dirt, some torso armor uses fabric simulation
- spine 03 is shifted upwards so that the armor does not deform during animation, so in the settings of the skeleton retarget, you need to put the "skeleton" on spine_02,03,clavicle R,L, ball_r,l, head,neck(watch screeshot)
- next 40-45 dollars will be sold one at a time
Included formats
- versions
- versions