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Enhance your Unreal Engine workflow with the Snapping Helper plugin. This tool allows you to quickly adjust the pivot point of selected actors and utilize all types of transformations. With intuitive vertex highlighting around the mouse cursor, you can effortlessly snap actors together or create duplicates with a single click, streamlining your design process.

Key Features:

  • Efficient Pivot Adjustment: Modify actor pivot points swiftly to facilitate precise transformations.

  • Intuitive Vertex Highlighting: Visual cues around the cursor simplify vertex selection and snapping.

  • One-Click Snapping and Duplication: Seamlessly snap actors together or duplicate them to enhance level design efficiency.

  • Comprehensive Transformation Support: Utilize various transformation types to achieve desired configurations.

  • Ideal for Modular Design: Perfect for creating modular levels and architectural structures with ease.

Included formats

  • logo of Unreal Engine format