This plugin has been completely refactored to improve performance, it no longer relies on tags and just needs a material function to be connected to the World Position Offset input node of any material.[WARNING: There is a
Several control modes available [Watch the Example Video to learn more]:
Camera Distance Based (Works in multiplayer, every player sees a different thing)
Time Based (Works in multiplayer, every player sees the same thing)
Component Distance Based (Works in multiplayer, but only one player must set the location value in the MPC, every player will see the same thing)
MPC Based (Same as above)
WARNING: The collision is not updated since this is only a shader!
It is recommended to use this effect for areas that the player can't reach to avoid collisions with invisible objects.
[Warning UE5.3: The file AAU_AdvancedActorTransformUtilities is left only for retro-compatibility and causing issues compiling the code, feel free to delete it. This has been fixed for versions after 5.4)
This product is ideal for motion graphics and cinematics and games, it's optimized to use the GPU as much as possible and supports hundreds of thousands of instances at the same time.
The engine built-in plugin EditorScriptingUtilities must be enabled in order to use the scripts to add/remove actor tags.
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