Now what Medieval Fantasy game does not need Treasure and Loot?
Now be honest, you can never have enough.
This package is loaded with 298 Fantasy Treasure prefabs for your next game.
Included in the package:
12 Animated Wooden Chests.
4 Animated Stone Chests.
2 Animated Wooden Jewelry Boxes.
4 Barrels (fixed and broken state prefabs).
2 Crates (fixed and broken state prefabs).
4 Urns (fixed and broken state prefabs).
78 Rings.
70 Potions.
8 Amulets.
6 Books.
24 Scrolls.
2 Coin Purses.
Travel Backpack.
24 Gems.
4 Stone Book Stands.
2 Openable Scrollcases.
4 Map Scrolls.
2 Medic Packs.
2 Herb Bag.
Eastern Coin.
Magic Horn.
Platinum - Gold - Silver & Copper.
Coin Piles.
Coin Heap.
Single Coin.
Included formats
- versions