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Media 1 for listing Spline Grind Rail Builder


Version 1 Video | Version 2 Video | Demo | Version 2 Documentation | Reviews

If there are any issues, questions or technical assistance, please let me know, I'll respond as soon as possible.

Update History (Updated 12/22/24)


  • Use Splines to create Grind Rails and Ziplines that can be easily added to your levels.

  • They are created automatically, adapt to height and have movement logic: the Character just needs to land on top of rails or jump below ziplines.


  • A Component handles all the logic, we just need to add a few nodes inside the Character BP to communicate with it (parameters like sliding speed and launch velocity can be modified in the component settings).

  • Zipline animations were created for the UE 4 and 5 mannequin skeletons. Please download the sample animations from here (personal use/no resell) before getting the project and make sure they can retarget correctly with your Character.



  • Not Replicated.

  • A Character with short arms or a big head might not hold the zipline pulley like the example Character from the Demo.

---- Attribution ----

The following assets are included in this product: Link

Included formats

  • logo of Unreal Engine format