Overview: https://youtu.be/OwMWhpkaiyw
Animations Rider using weapons while Riding (Same as Unity)
Horse Animset Pro includes more than 200+ AAA animations for the horse and the rider.
Gates: Walk, Trot, Canter, Gallop, Sprint
Fly, Swim, Fall, Jump, Attack, Damage, Death and Actions Animations sets (Each category has several animations)
Update 3.1
- 3 new Mane Styles + 1 Tail
- New Hair Shader Material
Update 3
- Added Rider Combat Animations
- Added Cloth to the Mane and Tail
- Added Pegasus Wings and Animations
- Added Horns for Unicorns
- Fast Riding System Plugin (Multiplayer)
- Ascent Combat Framework
- Riding System by ChDT
- Advanced Riding Locomotion System
This Asset does not include a Riding System (BluePrints), just the animations, models, and textures.
Included formats
- versions
- versions
- 3ds Max