Video Preview: https://youtu.be/oag6maK5_1o
we have made this package specially for your numerous requests. this package is a copy of our City Park Environment Collection, but with some differences made in order to speed up the launch and increase the fps without noticeable loss of quality:
• the number of trees and grass has been halved
• trees made more low poly (about 3/4 of triangles cut)
• triangles are also cut off on merged meshes
• removed some props and materials
• now the package weighs 1.2gb (3.6gb in the original)
• startup for me was reduced to 50 minutes (about 2.5 hours in the original)
• compiling shaders takes about an hour (2 hours in the original)
• configured for instance disappearing at a distance
• all textures are reduced by four times (1024x1024 to 512x512 e.t.c)
• now on the showcase map the FPS for me does not fall below 60 (25-35 in the original)
• The packages are fully compatible with each other, you can use any meshes from the original here and vice versa
Attention: Due to the large number of meshes, textures and effects a mid range computer is highly recommended to run demonstration level smoothly. (my system: intel core i-7 2600k, 24GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080)
On the "showcase" map, we used an instance tool (https://unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/instance-tool) to merge meshes into instances (you can use any other plugin or make your own) , and also merged spline meshes to improve fps.
the problem of a long first load at 95 percent is solved either by deleting or renaming the "showcase" level (after starting the project you will be taken to a clean level, and when you start other levels, the geometry will still compile, but you will be able to see the progress bar, and it will not look like it's endless loading)
Included formats
- versions