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Media 1 for listing AlicePCG


AlicePCG is a tool based on PCG system used for building hierarchical generated content.

It can identify user-specified scene content and convert it into exclusion zones, attachable surfaces, and sources for generating the next level of content.

AlicePCGActor is capable of adding tags to the content it generates, and it can be recognized by other AlicePCGActors to automatically construct dependency chains. When changes occur, the modified AlicePCGActor can notify other AlicePCGActors dependent on it to automatically update their generated content.

Documentation (Github):

Documentation (ZhiHu):

Video Tutorial (English):

Video Tutorial (Chinese):


  •  Hierarchical content generation, and automatic construction of dependency chains.

  •  Add tags to generated content.

  •  Based on tag recognition, record scene content to file, converting it into exclusion Spatial pixels.

  •  Based on tag recognition, record scene content to file, converting it into attachable surfaces.

  •  Organize generated content into reusable collection files.

  •  Based on tag recognition, record scene content to file, converting it into companion sources.

  •  Chinese tool tip.

Important/Additional Notes:

  1. PCG Graph Limitations: When opening a project, it's crucial to start the editor in [English] language initially, then switch to the desired language. Failure to do so may lead to interruptions in node connections within certain PCG graphs used by AlicePCG. If such a situation arises, set the editor language to [English] and restart the editor to resolve the issue.

  2. Scene assets in this content detail images, documentation and video tutorial are shown for demonstration only, not included in the plugin.

Update (v1.02):

  • Fixed the issue where objects with the SystemTag "Floater" had incorrect rotation.

  • Fixed the issue where elements within PCGAssets in AlicePCGSinglePlacementElements & AlicePCGScatteringElements had incorrect rotation when used as generation objects.

  • PCGAssets in AlicePCGSinglePlacementElements & AlicePCGScatteringElements now supports the PCGDataAsset data type introduced in UE_5.5.x .

Included formats

  • logo of Unreal Engine format