My Channel: YouTube
Trailer: YouTube
Overview: Youtube
Tutorials: Youtube
Free Ultimate Movement Component: Youtube
City Generator: YouTube
Level Generator: YouTube
Discord: Link
IMPORTANT: "The motion matching system & 500+ animation sample project will be merged to UC soon. It will be for 5.4 and newer versions."
Everything you need to quickly set up AI/Player characters for your projects exists in the Ultimate Character project.
-UC is entirely in Blueprint so you don't need C++ or any other external plugins.
-7 AI & 5 Player attack types. (More in future)
-Blocking attack for both AI & Player characters with a simple setup.
-Combo attacks for AI & Player characters.
-Setup/Edit characters, weapons, attacks & items using tables & simple variables.
-Ready to use samples.
-Modular behavior trees for AI attack changing system.
-Inventory for limited & unlimited items.
-Dynamic camera for attacking, blocking systems, and locking on target
-Pickup/Drop items system
-Checkpoint system
-Score system
-Fully commented blueprints and debug options
-Weapons Melee (Punch, Bat, Sword), Guns(Rifle, Canon), Bombarding and etc,
-Easy to extend weapon base classes.
-Magic attack items: throwing spells, teleportation, bombarding, summoning characters and etc.
-Easy to extend blueprints.
Included formats
- versions