This Unreal Editor plugin allows exporting selected actors, selected assets or a full level into glTF files (https://www.khronos.org/gltf/).
As of 5.1, the plugin is shipped with engine.
This plugin exports glTF version 2.0, either to ‘.gltf’ (JSON) or ‘.glb’ (binary) files.
It supports export of
- Material (including textures as png or jpg)
- Static Meshes and Skeletal Meshes
- Animation Sequences
- Level Sequences
- Levels
- Level Variant Set
Alt 1: Export asset via Content Browser
- Right-click on a StaticMesh, SkeletalMesh, AnimSequence, Level, or Material asset in the Content Browser.
- Select Asset Actions -> Export...
- Change Save as type to .gltf (or .glb) and click Save
- When glTF Export Options window is shown, click Export
Alt 2: Export current level via File Menu
- Select any number of actors in the current level
- In the top menu, select File -> Export Selected...
- Change Save as type to .gltf (or .glb) and click Save
- When glTF Export Options window is shown, click Export
Alt 3: Script the export using Blueprint in Editor or at Runtime, or use Python in Editor.
glTF and the glTF logo are trademarks of the Khronos Group Inc.
Included formats
- versions