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Media 1 for listing Contain, Pour and Spill Wine


Everything you need about wine or any liquid you may want to drink !

Pour it, spill it, fill glasses, watch the liquid inside a bottle or just use the fall blueprint / emitters in your level !

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Features :

  • Bottles, glass, jugs and liquid inside.

  • Liquid emitter blueprint with realistic and stylized modes.

  • Realistic and stylized Wine barrels with animated valves and Liquid emitter control.

  • When bottles fall hard, cork pops and liquid is poured.

  • Jugs and barrels use the liquid emitters to fill the glasses.

  • Fully customizable blueprints and glass, liquid materials.

  • Materials instances examples.

  • Bottles are available with and without labels, Labels that can be easily replaced by any square texture.

  • V2 : Niagara versions of everything + a fountain and new beautiful bottle !

  • V2 : Materials and Blueprints redesigned

  • V2.2 : shadow casters added, some timing improvements

Included formats

  • logo of Unreal Engine format