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Media 1 for listing 5 Timeline Components


5 Timeline Components for Unreal Engine (4-5)

These macro libraries add 5 timelines, for use in components, macros and widgets. By default, actor, scene and widget components cannot use timelines like other blueprint classes. Just write "Timeline Actor" or "Timeline Actor Component" or "Timeline User Widget" in the actor, scene or widget component to find the timeline you want to use. These timeline can work with 5 types of variables these are - Linear color (4 values), Vector4 (4 values), Vector3 (3 values), Vector2 (2 values) and Float (1 value), to use just create a curve of the desired type. Compared to the normal timeline, there are new features such as the ,,Ping-Pong, mode and various new outputs for ease of use.

Included formats

  • logo of Unreal Engine format