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Media 1 for listing Lab3 Characters Bundle 01


All Items Showcase | Version Changelog and Roadmap | Setup Video Guide (Featuring other pack but same framework)|

This is our first bundle, containing following products:

This bundle provides 20% savings vs buying each product separately.

If you own each item from the bundle, but want bundle itself (or vise versa), please write an email to [email protected]

Combined this bundle includes:

  • 15 clothing items

  • Standard set of body parts (shared with other female packs)

  • Standard head and hair meshes (shared with other female packs)

  • 2 alternative haircuts

  • 2 alternative heads

  • Full feature customization framework (and example UI) as well as supporting consolidation scripts

  • 5 prebuilt character meshes

This character bundle is a perfect match for any project with stylized art style and contemporary/corporate setting. There's plenty of different texture/color options. It is modular and has base body included as well. There are a few pre-assembled characters, as well as parts kit for your modular system.

For the demonstration purposes, we also include Character Builder component, data driven customization framework, made for our line of characters.

Content structured in a way to be easily used with any other customization framework.

Available formats:
  • Unreal Engine 5.3+ asset pack

The pack has Character Builder Component included, a system which assembles a character out of parts procedurally and enables seamless compatibility between all characters we ship.

However, this is optional. If you do not wish to use it, keep only desired content and remove Character Builder folder.

Also, you can see the possible combinations with other packs on the screenshots with yellow disclaimer.

The face has ARkit supported blendshapes and an example blinking animation.

The skeleton is based on UE5_Quinn model and shares 1:1 proportions to it.

If you have any questions, feedback or want to see upcoming packs or ask questions, please join Discord

Current framework version - 0.13A(Latest)

Requirements for the customizer framework:

  • Skeletal Merging plugin needs to be enabled, otherwise won't compile

  • Add ProjectTags data table as GameplayTag source in the project settings. Can be found at: /Content/*ProjectName*/CharacterBuilderComponent/Blueprints

  • Custom Depth with Stencil needs to be enabled for preview scene to show up with no visual defects

This product supports Lumen for Unreal Engine 5.0+, to enable Lumen refer to this page on Unreal docs

Included formats

  • logo of Unreal Engine format