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Media 1 for listing Dungeon Generator


Auto Generation Showcase with provided data

Auto Generation Showcase with misc assets - These assets are part of another asset pack and are not included in the plugin.

Dungeon Generator Plugin provides a quick and easy way of generating a dungeon using minimum amount of assets which is great for prototyping! All you need is a single floor tile mesh and a wall mesh which extents along your tile's width. Once you provide these two properties in the Dungeon Generator Actor provided in the plugin you can generate a dungeon with no coding at all!

The plugin contains with some meshes and materials which will allow you to generate some dungeons without any additional assets. Moreover, a Data Table defining some Room Templates is also included. Room Templates are great for generating different rooms (to avoid a repetitive looking pattern) inside a dungeon!

The Generator can be run in either Editor or Runtime mode. All the required properties and functions are available in both C++ and Blueprint code. Last but not least, you get all the source code in case you want to create additional modifications to the system.

Included formats

  • logo of Unreal Engine format