- This plugin use GAS\MotionWarping ,and Integrated with a wide range of functions
- Most can be made using blueprints,Very few require C++tuning(Only some enum/AttributeSet)
- If you want to make extensive modifications, you need C++experience
- If not,you can configuration items are like module edit tools
- InventorySystem
- CharacterStatusSystem(LevelSystem\GAS Attribute)
- InteractionSystem
- BuffSystem(Character)
- ColdDownSystem
- DescSystem
- CollisionSystem(Multiple collisions can be opened simultaneously without conflicting with each other, and can share a hit list、The damage multiplier and FreezeFrame can be set separately)
- DamageType(Can get harvest addition,like Axe can get more wood)
- ModularBuildingSystem
- RespawnSystem(Like most survival game)
- BlueprintSystem(Player only craft item after learned blueprint)
- MiniMap(use WorldPartition)
- TeamSystem
- TerritorySystem
- CorrosionSystem
- AdminSystem(CheatSystem)
- [New] SpawnSystem(EcoZone/LayerSpawn)
- [New] HarvestSystem(Tree\Rock\SmallPickup,Randomize item collection)
- [New] ActorStreamManager(Up to tens of thousands of AI can be used)
- [New] DebugSystem
- Weapon(include Bow\Sword\Gun\Torch\Grenade and more)
- Armor(with equip system,auto apply item status,two slot and a unarmed slot)
- Player/Monster(Ride systems will be added in the future)
- Projectile
- Dropped
- Buff
- Simulate
- Combo(Can set Skill Branch,like Combo_0 -> Left[Combo_1] Or Right[Combo_2])
- Roll/Climb/Dodge(MotionWarping)
- HitReaction(Hit/KnockDown)
- Jump(Fix vulnerability in callable primitive functions)
- Physical Materials Default HitEffect/Sound(Set in WorldSetting)
- Character->HitEffect(blood)
- Weapon->HitEffect/Sound(Each physical material can be set separately)
- Weapon->SlashEffect/TrailEffect
Included formats
- versions