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Media 1 for listing Event-driven Attribute System (Replicated)



  • The icons (prefixed with T_Paragon) are taken from Paragon(Epic Games Copyright) and are only used for demonstration. You may not use them for commercial purposes.
  • This product is open source on Github (MIT license, CT_Game copyright), which means you can get it on Github for free (Excludes Paragon icons)

Showcase: Youtube

Playable demo: GoogleDrive

Support: Discord

Document: Github

Note: Demo doesn't work, this is due to missing default GameplayTags, please download CT_AttributeSystem.ini and add to your project /Config/Tags/


  1. Network Replication
  2. No Project Conflicts: Integrates seamlessly with any existing project without causing conflicts.
  3. Customizable: The system contains no game logic, allowing for complete customization based on your needs.
  4. Comprehensive Demo Guides: Includes guides on integrating with the Combat System and Inventory System.
  5. Event-Driven: Reflects all value changes through events, enabling you to add your own logic in response to these changes.
  6. Easy Integration: Simply add a component to your Actor.
  7. Extensively Tested: The system has undergone thorough testing to ensure reliability and extensibility.

Included formats

  • logo of Unreal Engine format