With the OpenWorld Vehicle Shop you can quickly add vehicles to your game, multiple shops can be placed. Each shop has it's own vehicle spawn pads, a Garage Preview point and a NPC. This system is built using the free UE5 cars sample pack recently released so the shop is compatible with the latest UE5 vehicle content.
Compatible with City Sample Vehicles
Youtube: Unreal Engine 5
The whole system can be added inside of any static mesh garage or building you may have. All parts of the system are movable within the editor, so you'll be able to set up a vehicle shop how you desire.
The system uses 1 master Blueprint which can be placed within your level, it's been designed to be simple to use. Vehicles and vehicle data (eg brakes,engines) all have their own respective data tables so you're able to easily update the stats and the vehicle list.
The ability to get in & out of vehicles has been added, with the character mesh being visible in 3rd person whilst in the driver seat.
This product supports Nanite for Unreal Engine 5.0+
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