Contains 31 high quality chemistry flasks using a raymarching material for realistic liquid animation and visuals:
Gratuated tubes
Volumetric flasks
All in 4 sizes: 1000ml, 500ml, 250ml and 100ml.
Plus a Fernbach (2.8L), a test tube and a pipette.
Flask resources are conveniently grouped in folders, including material instances, textures, meshes and a blueprint per flask, ready to be used. Just drag & drop it into the scene.
Includes 2 master materials: M_LiquidVolumeSimple and M_LiquidVolume which use raymarching technique for improved visuals and options.
You can customize settings like:
Foam color, density, thickness, animation direction.
Fill amount (0-1) and global turbulence amount.
Liquid colors (can blend two colors using 3D noise) with custom scales, speed.
Sparkling intensity and amount.
Detachable label.
Note: flasks can rotate 360º and liquid will follow gravity as expected although liquid can't escape the recipient. You can however adjust the fill level while the flask is upside down to simulate pouring.
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