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Brushify - Arctic Showcase Video
Brushify - Beginner Tutorial in Unreal Engine 5
Build epic Arctic environments with this modular pack. Brushify is perfect for open world games and projects that require large detailed outside environments. Everything is modular and ready to be used creatively in Unreal Engine.
Complete playable Arctic level ready to go out of the box.
Allows you to immediately start testing your Gameplay, creating cinematics and learning from the example setup.
The included Alpha Sculpting Brush allows you to add detail to the landscape while maintaining artistic control in real-time.
This Arctic Pack contains 4 Alpha Sculpting Brushes stored in a single 8192x8192 texture.
Want to add a detailed background vista, but you don't want the cost? Use Distance meshes, they are optimized geometry that are purpose built to match the playable landscape. A great way to extend your world far into the horizon without affecting performance.
The Alpha Brushes / Distance Meshes are generated from Real-World Height data which is then texturized to create realistic high resolution results.
This Arctic Pack contains 4 Distance Meshes for background mountains (See Screenshot above).
The pack includes Procedural Spawners for quickly scattering Rocks on slopes. Rocks are optimized and created using the latest Photogrammetry techniques.
The fastest way to build detailed fully playable landscapes. This material allows users to paint multiple biomes with ease across huge landscapes. Each biome is it's own Automatic Paint Layer. There are 11 landscape layers for you to choose from including Grass, Desert, Forest, Snow, Beach, Dunes, Mud, Craters.
Simply apply this material to any landscape and it will be automatically textured and covered with optimized Rocks/Grass which match that biome.
Supports Runtime Virtual Texturing (RVT), Parallax Occlusion Mapping (POM), Tri-planar mapping, Tessellation/Height, Roughness, Reduced Distance Tiling Feature, 3 stage Level Of Detail system (Far, Medium and Near), optimized Shader overdraw and Flow mapping.
The entire shader is fully modular in design and functions can be removed and customized in order to streamline the system to your project.
Brushify packs can easily be merged together, in the Epic launcher, click 'Add to project' then choose 'Overwrite files'. This is required because Brushify packs share some generic objects, textures and shaders.
4 Unique Arctic Terrain Brushes (as pictured above)
Each Terrain Brush has both Meshes and Alpha Brushes.
1 Alpha Brush Texture is included that can be used to sculpt mountains directly into the landscape. (4 separate brushes are stored in the R G B A Channels of the texture.)
This pack contains a ready-made Arctic level already built using the Brushify assets.
Includes the Brushify Landscape Auto material that automatically textures the terrain as users paint.
Automaterial includes 9 Paintable Biome materials Grass, GrassDry, Desert, Dunes, Beach, Forest, ForestDry, Snow, Mud
Optimized Grass is also included
Includes rock meshes
Includes Procedural Spawner that automatically covers terrain slopes with rocks
Texture Sizes: Textures vary from 2048x2048 up to 8192x8192 resolution
Vertex Count: 1000 to 100,000
LODs: All Meshes have between 5-6 LODs
4 Distance Terrain meshes
3 Rock Meshes
1 Grass Mesh
4 Materials
30 Material Instances
40 Textures
1 Terrain Alpha Brush Texture (4 separate alphas in RGBA Channels)
Contains Landscape Auto Material (auto textures terrain, paint down multiple biomes, easy material and layer setup)
Contains Near Mesh shader (easily switch assets to different biomes: snow, desert, coast)
Contains Simple Water Shader
Contains Foliage Material
Contains Cloud Shadows Material
Included formats
- versions