Create a fully fledged medieval town with a small town center, houses, and even a tavern! All structure blocks are modular and allow you to design your own buildings with interior. Interior and Exterior Props as well as Foliage and useful Blueprints are included. Example Levels with a Huge Tavern for each have life both in streets with various street props and also inside the houses with living and dining spaces.
- Highly optimized, fully realistic and vivid
- 3 House and 1 Tavern Prefab Blueprints
- All interior and exterior brick walls have easy to use Materials with Vertex Painting
- Layered and Angle Based Automatic Landscape Material to create various environments[V1.1]
- Automatic Foliage placement based on Landscape Material Layer Paint[V1.1]
- 14 Blueprints to help you make your game easily
- BP_Lamp_1, BP_Lamp_2 and BP_Street_Light Blueprints have many controls to emulate a real candle light also with appropriate meshes.
- BP_Door Blueprint and 1 Flame Particle
- Food, Kitchen Props and related Blueprint Prefabs have been added [V1.2]
- 1 Medieval era themed Music[New][V1.3]
- Tree and Grass Assets[New][V1.3]
- Prop improvements and fix for BP House Collisions[New][V1.3]
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Please reach us via: [email protected]
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