>>> Update 2.0 (08/2024) Video: here
(1.0) Demonstration Video: here
Welcome to the Smart Traffic Lights !
Enjoy this easy and beginner friendly drag'n drop Traffic Light Creator Blueprint. You can create your traffic lights in seconds with a ton of settings. Just drag'n drop the Blueprint in your level, add a pole, configure your starting light state, the color, the duration, the light intensity and if you want also some symbols and ... that's it ;D If you want, you can also add with one click additional meshes to the traffic light and / or connect it to the "BP_IntersectionManager".
Very easy to use, also for absolute unreal engine newbies!
Don't waste your time like I did first and create traffic lights by hand, just use this blueprint ;D !
FAQ (Nice to know)
Can I make complex multi lane intersections?
Oh yes! You can set up with some somple ticks your own complex Intersection of 2, 3, 99 lanes ... :)
Which kind of traffic lights are available?
Traffic Lights, Pedestrian Lights, Warning-Lights - Any kinds, by default 3-, 2- and 1-lense are included, but you can add additinoal lenses.
I wanna use it in Cinematics instead of Games?
Just set it in some minutes up, drag'n drop it, activate the "Real Lights" option and here we go! Little Tip: Try it out with volumetric fog - it's awesome!
Can I trigger Events?
Of course! "Force Stops" are possible, but you can also equip your Emergency Vehicles, Trams etc. with certain tags for triggering a reaction.
Is a night mode available / compatible with...?
Yes, you can trigger a night standby mode, where all traffic lights blink yellow. You can call this event from any "Sky Blueprint", such as Ultra Dynamic Sky, EasySky or Sky Creator.
Create your traffic lights in seconds!
Customizable Traffic Light: Color, Lense Color, Lense Style, Lense Symbols, "Count of Lenses"
Define custom Phase Durations (red, yellow, green)
Additional Meshes such as Holder, Green Arrow, Contrast Panel
International Support (e.g. Germany, US, Austria, Switzerland, etc.) + Horizontal/Vertical Mode
Intersection Manager for complex Traffic Light Intersection Management (Multi Lane)
Events/Sensor Mode: Prioritize Emergency- / Public Services; Night Standby Mode
Add Shapes / Symbols for: Cars, Pedestrians, Busses, Trams
Functional Pedestrian Button & Traffic Light Logic
No Blueprint knowledge required
Unlimited Types of Traffic Lights; 8 additional traffic light meshes; 2 Poles; 1 Traffic Light Button
Continuous updates and improvements (Update 1.1>1.2> now 2.0)
Support Discord: https://discord.gg/a4hJa5n
Visit also the other Traffic Sign Collections:
American Sign Bundle , Austrian Signs , Canadian Signs , Chinese Signs , Christmas Market Vol. 1
Dutch Signs , Danish Signs , Finnish Signs , French Signs Vol. 1 , French Signs Vol. 2 , German Signs Vol. 1
German Signs Vol. 2 , German Signs Vol. 3 , German Signs Vol. 4 , Japanese Signs , Irish Signs , Italian Signs Vol. 1
Mexican Signs Vol. 1 , Norwegian Signs , Parking Props Vol. 1 , Polish Signs , Russian Signs Vol. 1 , Russian Signs Vol. 2
Smart Cable Connector Tool , Smart Traffic Light Tool , Street Props Vol. 1 , Spanish Signs Vol. 1 , Swiss Signs
Thai Signs , Turkish Signs , US Signs Vol. 1 , US Signs Vol. 2 , US Signs Vol. 3
WW2 Germany Signs , Warning Signs Collection
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