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Media 1 for listing FluidNinja VFX Tools


Welcome to NinjaTools 1.8 for UE 5.4 - a 2D fluidsim baking toolkit, driving 3D volumes and particles

with extremely small baked data assets, typically 1-4 Megabytes. Ninja is providing a lightweight

alternative to large and performance heavy VDB assets, typically 100-400 Megabytes.

Links: User Manual / Tutorial Vids / Showcase Vids / GIFs / Volumetrics PDF / Discord

Please note: Ninja is not a Drag-n-drop Tool, learning it takes a week.

Test before purchase! Download NinjaTOOLS for free, at the Community Server *

(*see "Student Version" section on the left side-bar.)

For responsive (non-baked) real time fluid simulation, see NinjaLIVE

For standalone flipbook player, see NinjaPLAY


  • Fluid simulator with real-time view ports

  • Baking Tool to save density & velocity data to Flipbooks and Player-Materials

  • Heterogeneous Volume setups for UE 5.4 + Cloud Volume and Fog Volume setups

  • Niagara modules to sample the baked fluid data and drive GPU particle systems

  • Demo levels with use cases for stylized and realistic VFX

Sim Input: Niagara particles, Bitmaps and a Painter

Sim Output: Flipbooks, Flowmaps and ready-to-use Container Materials embedding baked data

Included formats

  • logo of Unreal Engine format