Welcome to NinjaTools 1.8 for UE 5.4 - a 2D fluidsim baking toolkit, driving 3D volumes and particles
with extremely small baked data assets, typically 1-4 Megabytes. Ninja is providing a lightweight
alternative to large and performance heavy VDB assets, typically 100-400 Megabytes.
Links: User Manual / Tutorial Vids / Showcase Vids / GIFs / Volumetrics PDF / Discord
Please note: Ninja is not a Drag-n-drop Tool, learning it takes a week.
Test before purchase! Download NinjaTOOLS for free, at the Community Server *
(*see "Student Version" section on the left side-bar.)
For responsive (non-baked) real time fluid simulation, see NinjaLIVE
For standalone flipbook player, see NinjaPLAY
Fluid simulator with real-time view ports
Baking Tool to save density & velocity data to Flipbooks and Player-Materials
Heterogeneous Volume setups for UE 5.4 + Cloud Volume and Fog Volume setups
Niagara modules to sample the baked fluid data and drive GPU particle systems
Demo levels with use cases for stylized and realistic VFX
Sim Input: Niagara particles, Bitmaps and a Painter
Sim Output: Flipbooks, Flowmaps and ready-to-use Container Materials embedding baked data
Included formats
- versions