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Media 1 for listing SciFi Turrets


Collection of 6 modular sci-fi turrets with basic shooting codes and target aiming.

The blueprints are game-ready and compatible with Third Person Character.

The turrest are made from modular parts, each has separate meshes for base, body, launcher, launcher holder and projectile (check images from overview scene). They are assembled into fully-functional blueprints with basic shooting codes and target aiming. For each Blueprint, you can adjust the parameters such as shooting range, shooting speed, aiming distance, number of shots etc. Please check the parameter details below.

Player Health Code is implemented with custom health bar. When the health bar reaches zero the player is dead. 

Explosion (visual and sound) effects included.

YOUTUBE VIDEO: How turrets react to Third Person Character 


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Note: Turrets are compatible with Third Person Character only. Third Person Character is included in this asset pack. 

For First Person the codes must be modified. 


The following parameters can be adjusted for each Blueprint:

  • Turret Aiming Speed: The speed of turret noticing and facing the target. By default it is 500, the higher the amount the faster the turning and start of shooting is.

  • Aiming Distance: The distance between the turet and target, at the moment when the turet recognizes the target and starts shooting.

  • Delay Between Shots: The higher the value of this parameter, the slower the shooting is.

  • Number Of Shots: The number of ammunition being shot in one round. If the value is 4, 4 units will be released from one launcher. 

  • Muzzle Particle: The particle effect being released when the ammunition leaves the launcher.

  • Rate Of Fire: The speed of shooting. The default value is 1. The lower the value the faster the shooting is. 

Ammunition Projectile Parameters:

  • Damage: The damage the ammunition causes when hitting the target

  • Ammo Speed: The speed of ammunition

  • Ammo Lifetime: The time until the ammunition flies after missing the target and flying in blank space.

  • Ammo Launch Sound: The sound of shooting

Project Version:

  • 5.1. with Lumen Support

Please read UNREAL Documents page on how to activate Lumen for Unreal 5 version here


  • 6 Modular Turrets

  • Basic Shooting Codes With Target Aiming

  • Adjustable Blueprint Parameters

  • Sound and Explosion Effects

  • Compatible With Third Person Character

Technical Details:

  • Number of Meshes: 36

  • LODs: 1-4 per model

  • Collision: Yes, automatically generated

  • Number of Blueprints: 14

  • Number of Materials: 35

  • Number of Particles: 17

  • Number of Sound Effects: 46

  • Number of Textures: 56

  • Texture Sizes: up to 4K

  • Texture formats: PNG and TGA

  • This product supports Lumen for Unreal Engine 5

Included formats

  • logo of Unreal Engine format