BilliardGameFramework helps you to build your own billiard game easily. It contains following functionalities:
Realistic Physics Simulation: Realistic billiard physics simulation, support all platform;
Competitive Boot Player: Play billiard accurately, easy to adjust accuracy with one single factor;
Practical Mesh Props: Come with Russian billiard table, balls and cue. It's useful and easy to switch with custom props;
Responsive Hit Sounds: Come with ball-ball, ball-table and ball-cue to simulate most kinds of collisions.
BilliardGameFramework is built for Blueprint.
In a word, if you're building billiard game, BilliardGameFramework can help you out!
A feature overview: https://youtu.be/XHm2MGeiIPg
A Real-World Application: https://apps.apple.com/app/billiard-show/id1669002591
📣 📣 📣 Incoming features:
- Support Skeleton and Animation.
🎁 🎁 🎁 Something awesome:
- Icon Render helps you to render icons in UI Widgets by icon-fonts. No more icon images for different screen-sizes.
For UE-5.0:
Strongly recommend upgrade unreal to 5.1.In version 5.0, maybe there some behaviors aren't so realistic.Please let me know if those happen.I'll fix it.
Version 1.02:
- Fix physics calculation accuracy.
- Add BP_Restitution to simulate different material.
Version 1.1:
- Fix physics calculation accuracy.
- Support Network Replicated.
Version 1.1.1:
- Fix physics calculation accuracy.
- AI support choose which ball to shot.
Version 1.1.2:
- Fix physics calculation accuracy.
Version 1.1.3:
- BP_AI_Game StartAimByAI support accuracy.
- BP_AI_Game support event dispatcher OnNoBallToShot.
- BP_Game support event dispatcher OnBallInTheHole.
Version 1.1.4:
- Fix physics calculation accuracy.
Version 1.1.5:
- Fix physics calculation accuracy.
Included formats
- versions