Anime Studio is a complete package of classic and modern anime sound effects.
We used a wide array of analog/digital synths and field recordings to recreate the iconic sounds of Japanese anime.
The library provides the perfect arsenal of charge ups, charge downs, lasers, punches, explosions, pings, mecha sounds, cute creature sounds, swishes and whooshes.
Includes 1103 files.
Animation ToolkitInside Anime Studio you'll find a versatile toolkit for over the top anime sounds.
Elevate action sequences with impactful punches, gunshots, swift movement swishes, and explosive blasts.
Amplify character strength with energizing charge-ups and accent critical hits with huge pings that send characters flying.
Create retro Sci-Fi projects with laser blasts and zaps, mecha sounds, whooshes and UI SFX.
Bring kawaii and comedic moments to life with an assortment of adorable cute sounds.
Included formats
- versions