The Superhuman Combat animation pack has 40 different animations in two style for your characters. all animation are in 30 fps, Animated in Auto-desk Maya using advanced skeleton rig.
This pack is for in air fighting animation, one-to-one combat, and melee fighting.
1. The First part of it has only flying animation, which is in this link
2. The Second Pack has Superpower energy attack Animation
Superhero, Super Powerful Attack Animation
3. For Landing, Take off and Flight Animation click on this link for purchase -
Superhero flight and landing pack
If you want all animations, than it available as bundle also
Superhero All Animations Bundle
you can purchase from here.
All animations in the pack can be seen in this video: Superhero Fighting 3D Animation Pack
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Style one
- Anim_SC_Block
- Anim_SC_Combo
- Anim_SC_Get_Hit_Two
- Anim_SC_Get_Hit
- Anim_SC_Idle
- Anim_SC_Injured
- Anim_SC_Kick_Combo
- Anim_SC_Kick_Double
- Anim_SC_Kick_down
- Anim_SC_Kick_
- Anim_SC_Kockout
- Anim_SC_Move_Backward
- Anim_SC_Move_Forward
- Anim_SC_Move_Left
- Anim_SC_Move_Right
- Anim_SC_Punch
- Anim_SC_Punch_Combo
- Anim_SC_Punch_up
- Anim_SC_Strong_Combo_v2
- Anim_SC_Super_Combo_v2
Style Two
- Anim_SC_Block_v2
- Anim_SC_Combo_v2
- Anim_SC_Get_Hit_Two_v2
- Anim_SC_Get_Hit_v2
- Anim_SC_Idle_v2
- Anim_SC_Injured_v2
- Anim_SC_Kick_Combo_v2
- Anim_SC_Kick_Double_v2
- Anim_SC_Kick_down_v2
- Anim_SC_Kick_v2
- Anim_SC_Kockout_v2
- Anim_SC_Move_Backward_V2
- Anim_SC_Move_Forward_V2
- Anim_SC_Move_Left_V2
- Anim_SC_Move_Right_V2
- Anim_SC_Punch_v2
- Anim_SC_Punch_Combo_v2
- Anim_SC_Punch_up_v2
- Anim_SC_Strong_Combo_v2
- Anim_SC_Super_Combo_v2
Included formats
- versions