A SteamAPI Friends Interface integration that will allow you to implement fully working Friends Lists, Steam Groups, Chats, Avatars, and more! Only using blueprints with the fewest nodes possible in the easiest way. This plugin allows you to do anything that the SteamAPI Friends Interface allows for using blueprints.
This plugin works perfectly with the other plugins created by me:
- Subsystem Configuration Integration
- Leaderboard Integration
- Stats & Achievements Integration
- Inventory Integration
- Fetching Logged in User's Current Restrictions, Persona State, Persona Name, In-Game Voice Speaking, and more!
- All Steam Overlay Functions e.g. Opening Overlay to specific user's profile, and more!
- List Steam Groups.
- Open / Close Steam Community Group chats.
- Send messages to Steam Community Group chats.
- Fetch Steam Community Group Members.
- Fetch Data about the Steam Community Group e.g. Public / Private, Official / Unofficial, Member Count, Activity Details, Tags, Names, and more!
- List Steam Friends.
- Get Friends Data e.g. Steam Level, Nickname, State, Relationship, and more!
- Invite Users to lobby or game.
- List of recently played with users.
- ...and much more!
More features to come with future updates!
Included formats
- versions