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Media 1 for listing Aztec and Maya Smart Materials


Please watch this VIDEO to see all materials from this pack.

This unique pack contains 43 PBR smart materials (Material + Material instances) and 82 textures (20 unique and 60 are normal maps, roughness and ambient occlusion maps and 2 utilities textures) which will help you create in UE5, beautiful Aztec and Maya environments.

The materials are designed to be used on 3D objects of any scale without loosing resolution (as you can see in the Video). Because of this, the materials are perfect for huge pyramids, temple walls but they work as well on very small props.

All textures are 4k (4096 x 4096) and all materials are very customizable. There are around 10-15 parameters which can be tweaked to obtain the desired look and feel (textures, color, scale, normal intensity, details intensity, details amount, color offset, macro variation settings etc. )

Included formats

  • logo of Unreal Engine format