Preview: http://youtu.be/u_CSzJm9-L41.Skeleton Warlord character, 45 animations http://youtu.be/u_CSzJm9-L4 2.Skeleton Sorcerer character, 47 animations http://youtu.be/72t40YiXOS4 3.Skeleton Archer character, 48 animations http://youtu.be/wH8ngik87Mo 4.Skeleton Footman character, 46 animations http://youtu.be/toRXHRZ4rws 5. Skeleton T-pose prop 6. Skeleton Lying prop 7. Skeleton Standing prop 8. Skeleton Sitting propSkeleton - 7,292 polygons, 13,676 triangles, 7,200 vertexes. skeletons with armor, and weapons about - 8,000 - 10,000 polygons, 15,00-18,000 triangles, 8,000-10,00 vertexes.Rig has 39-49 bones.
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