Microtransactions, IAPs, virtual currencies (soft and hard), in-game goods, DLC, subscriptions, bundles, and more. If you can create it, you can offer it.
LoginWorks for your mobile, PC, or console game. Works for your mobile, PC, or console game. Enable localized, secure player authentication, and get access to advanced user account management and friend system.
PaymentsConnect to 700+ payment methods globally. Revenue share is a flat 5% with no hidden fees. Our performance-based pricing lets you keep more of your development fund.
Player InventoryGet access to Xsolla-hosted, cross-platform storage with a database of players who own premium virtual items and currencies.
UI BuilderIntuitively design your store to match perfectly with your game.
FEATURES:- Easily create, edit and sell virtual items, currencies, DLC, subscriptions, bundles, and more.
- Accept payments in 200+ countries, 130+ currencies, and 20 languages
- Fast, safe, and secure account creation, login and authentication for players
- Global compliance with personal data privacy laws, regulations, and taxes
- Cross-platform ready for mobile, PC, and console
- Pre-integrated with the Xsolla products you need: Login, In-Game Store, Player Inventory, Pay Station, and Anti-Fraud
- UI customization settings, theme management system, prefab manager
Xsolla offers the necessary tools to help you build and grow your gaming business, including personalized support at every stage. The terms of payment are determined by the contract that can be signed via Publisher Account.
The cost of using all Xsolla products is 5% of the amount you receive for the sale of the game and in-game goods via Xsolla Pay Station. If you do not use Xsolla Pay Station in your application, but use other products, contact your Account Manager to clarify the terms and conditions.
Included formats
- versions