A complete window management system for your game.
Demo video: Plugin show case
Documentation: HX Windows documentation
Supports a wide range of features:
Draggable windows
Snap a window near other windows or screen borders
Minimize/Restore, Hide/Show
Pin a window
Full screen window
Focus or bring to front a window
Remember specific windows positions
And more...
Fully customizable:
Create any window layout through the standard UE Widget editor
Embed any user widget content into a window
Several sample layouts provided as reference
Use default behavior or customize the logic in Blueprint or C++ using provided events, callbacks and public methods/parameters
Use default animations for opening/closing/minimizing/etc, replace by your owns or add any custom logic
Game ready:
All features available from C++ and Blueprint
Compatible with Unreal Engine localization mechanism
Compatible with any input method
All logic writen in optimized C++ for best performances
Thought for handling any GUI style without any design constraint
Designed in a way allowing easy implementation of custom logic
Provides access points for saving/reloading data that you may want to persist
Exhaustive documentation
Check the documentation for the full list of features
Included formats
- versions