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Media 1 for listing Firearm - Weapon Forge




Create fully editable firearms from scratch with Weapon Forge!

This tool allows you to easily create and use firearms with an advanced ammunition and aiming system.

Customize your weapons at will with the ability to add VFX, SFX, animations, weapon attachments, and physics reactions to projectiles and meshes.

Key features:

⮞ User friendly weapon data interface.

⮞ 94+ variables to tweak and play with.

⮞ Infinite customization feature combinations.

⮞ No deep Blueprint knowledge needed.

⮞ Plug and Play.

⮞ Clear and commented Blueprint nodes.

Tool functionalities:

⮞ Modular ADS with input customization.

⮞ Custom attachments.

⮞ Ammunition inventory.

⮞ Ammunition reloading system.

⮞ Damage & Range system.

⮞ Various projectile types and firing modes.

⮞ Spray pattern system.

⮞ Projectile decals.

⮞ Camera shakes.

⮞ VFX, SFX, and animation system.

Inside the project you will additionally find:

⮞ Weapon meshes along with their animations, VFX, and SFX - from Adia Entertainment (Military Weapons Silver).

⮞ Free to use SFX library (

⮞ Blocky weapon meshes for easy prototypes.

⮞ Pre-made UI Widgets, Camera shakes, and Inputs.


⮞ Starter Content is required to be able to use the demo scene.

Included formats

  • logo of Unreal Engine format