🔷 TimeFlow FPS Template is a beginner friendly, game template that gets you right into action! 😀 Give boost to your game development journey with TimeFlow FPS Template. Now create your slow motion action fps game.
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This template includes:
Full Gameplay Template
Slow motion Gameplay logic
Advance AI Behavior
Building assets
Main menu setup
Pause Menu
Settings Options
3 example levels
10+ Particles (Bullet Trail, Enemy Damage, Bullet Impact, Gun Shot, Muzzle, Error, Explosion, Sparks)
15+ Static Meshes
10+ Destructible Meshes
45+ Blueprints
20+ Custom Animations
Advantages of TimeFlow FPS Template:
Best practice blueprint code (GameMode, GameState, PlayerState, PlayerController, Character, Widgets)
Optimized blueprint setup
Well commented for easy understanding
Clean and structured
Under 150MB
Product features:
Slow motion Gameplay logic
Slow motion Sounds and Music in world
Collision based Ragdolling Both Enemy and Player
Weapons and Throwables
Respawn system
Enemy Death Counter
AI Spawning system
Weapon system
Throwables system
Interaction system
Teleporting system
4 Interaction Crosshairs (easy to add more)
In game Pause Menu (Continue, Settings, Quit game)
AI Behavior : Dynamic AI Behavior
Unarmed Attack
Melee Attack
Fire Gun
Can See Player ?
Pickup Weapons
React to Damage
Destructible Meshes
Weapons : Weapons comes with all functionality like Reloading, Ammo Count, Throwable, Random and Custom Bullet Spread.
Shotgun (With Random Bullet Spread and also Custom Bullet Spread Angles)
Bullets for both pistol and shotgun (have bullet trail, bullet hole decal, bullet hit particle)
Throwables : Weapons you can throw. Also Easy to add more Throwables
Saw Blade
Toy Boat
Easy To Add More
Hud :
10+ Widget Blueprints
Main Menu
Pause Menu (Resume, Settings, Menu)
Settings menu included (Window mode, Resolution, Shadows, Textures, Foliage, Max FPS, VSync)
Screen Transition Effect.
3 example levels included
1 Showcase level
Prototype materials included (Grid, Colors, Emissions)
Slow Mo audio setup implemented
Handy function library
Props (30) : Pistol, Pistol Bullet, Shotgun, Shotgun Bullet, Baseball, Dart, Saw Blade, Toy Boat, Computer Keyboard, Shuriken, Drawer, Bench, Door, Door Frame, Table, PizzaBox, Pillar, Roof, Wall, Lower Cut Wall, Bars, Ico Sphere, Triangle, 7 Exterior Background Buildings.
Character Anim BPs (7) : Player Animation Blueprint + Enemy Animation Blueprint, Blend Spaces etc.
Particle Effects (8) : Bullet Impact, Bullet Trail, Enemy Damage, Error, Explosion, Gun Shot, Muzzle, Sparks.
Audio (89) : (42 Waves) (44 Cues) (3 ATT Sound Settings) => "Enemy Spawn+Hit+Death+Crush+Crush2", Environment "Glass Break+ Teleporter Sound, Movement "Footsteps Land", Objects "7 Keyboard Sounds", Player "Player Death", Surrounding "ElectricityBuzz+Popup+Popup2", UI "6 Button Sounds+Cursor Hover+Enter+Select", Weapons " Pistol Fire, NoAmmo, Pickup, Throw + Shotgun Blast, NoAmmo, Pickup, Shell Drop + Baseball Swing, Hit, Pickup + Bullet Hit, Gun Tick", Ambience.
Textures (21) : Tile Base + Normal, Box Checked + UnChecked, Dot + Gun + Punch + Outer Crosshair, Dotted Line, Gun, Glass, Lowpoly, Macro Variation, Male Mask + Normal, Noise, Pattern, White.
Materials (13) : Bullet Trail, Particle Base, Bodycam, Base Emissive, Bullet Hole, Glass, Male Body, Soft Black, SpecBase, Tile, White.
Blueprints (22) : Player, Enemy, Weapons = Pistol + Shotgun + Baseball + Boat + Dart + Saw Blade + Keyboard + Shuriken, Objects = "Event Maker, Enemy Spawner, Bars, Button, Drawer, Enemy Death Counter, Physics Door, Random Spawner, Sliding Door, Spawn Light, Teleporter, Destructible Glass".
Animations (23) and Montages (12) Aim Offset (3) : Idle, Walk, Player Run, 2 Melee Attack, 4 Punch, Jump Start + Loop + End + Death. Enemy Run, 4 Hit Reactions, Idle Pistol, Left Strafe, Right Strafe, Pickup Item, Walking Backward.
AI (26) : All AI BPs including Behavior Tree + Black Board + Decorator + Task + Service + AI Controller are 26. Some of them are BT_Empty Hand, BT_Pistol, BT_Melee, BT_Cannot See Player , Task _AI move to nearest weapon and pickup etc.
HUD (8) : Main Menu, Pause Menu, Settings, Crosshair, OutOfAmmo, Outer Crosshair, Info, HoldR.
Other : 3 Camera Shakes, 2 Function Library, 4 Interfaces, 11 Destructible Objects, 5 Levels/Maps "Lvl 1, Lvl 2,Lvl 3, Showcase, MainMenu, TimeFlow Test".
Technical Details
100% Blueprint
Slow motion Gameplay logic
Advance AI Behavior (Unarmed Attack, Melee Attack, Fire Gun, Pickup Weapons, React to Damage, Destructible Meshes, Ragdoll, Death)
3 Weapons
5 Throwables
Props/Meshes (30)
Particle Effects (8)
Audio (89) : (42 Waves) (44 Cues) (3 ATT Sound Settings)
Textures (21)
Materials (13)
Blueprints (21)
Animations (23) and Montages (12) Aim Offset (3) Demo (4)
AI (26)
HUD (10)
Number of Blueprints: 71 total (20 Construction Blueprints)
Number of Widget Blueprints : 7
Input: (Keyboard & Mouse)
Network Replicated: (No)
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: (Yes)
Linux: (Yes)
Mac: (Yes)
Included formats
- versions