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Media 1 for listing MODULAR SWORD PACK


Made with the love and guidance of the community.


You can download a free lite version of this pack on Unreal Bucket! Unreal Bucket is a high-quality asset library created specifically for Unreal Engine and its users.

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This package will be updated for a long period of time and we have already prepared some updates to come soon.

All updates are and always will be free of charge!


AAA quality assets made with love while keeping the performance factor in mind. All assets are easily manageable using standard Unreal Engine tools and features. The package comes with a well-commented easy-to-read Blueprint Class, which is rich in features! You can easily create a unique random sword just by pressing one button, or you can modify any sword on the fly using described sliders. Works flawlessly in both Editor and Game!

And as an additional bonus, there is even a modular Scabbard system! The Scabbard has its own Blueprint class, while using the same Materials as Swords - level of integration and optimization you won't get anywhere else. And the Scabbard system is free!


This product contains the property of HDRI Haven ( By this, I credit HDRI Haven for providing amazing HDRI content.

Included formats

  • logo of Unreal Engine format