Demo (Update 1)
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Discord : https://discord.gg/N22PxcWTKT
Update notes
Update 1.01.5 (2024-11-13)
Improved overall jog, walk loop animations
QoL update (2024-03-11)
Added UE5 skeleton with retargeted animations (Only on UE5.3 or above)
Added IKRig and IKRetargeter
Implemented Enhanced Input
Changed project type to asset pack (can now add to project instead of creating a new one)
Restructured folders and renamed files to be more organized
Update 1.2/1.01.2 (2022-12-18)
Tweaked all walk animations
Fixed Getup_Seq over rotated arm issue
Update 1.1/1.01.1 (2022-12-11)
Applied root motion data to all locomotion animations (walk, jog, run, brake, idle_to_jog)
Restructure directories
Update 1/1.01 (2021-10-23)
35 new animations
9 blendspaces
Added new function: spear stab by holding F then press LMB
Can dodge cancel while in spear throw stance (holding F then press spacebar)
Added idle to jog transition in the character blueprint
Added jump landing to jog transition (pressing any movement key while landing)
This package includes essential animations for a character with spear & shield combat style, with a playable character blueprint. Recommended for an action RPG game.
Looking for a framework to use with these animations? Check out the Flexible Combat System one of the top rated frameworks on the marketplace LINK
Included formats
- versions