Documentation,Support thread, Old reviews and questions, [email protected]
It is possible to import sound files (WAV, OGG) and image files (PNG,JPG,BMP, TGA, TIFF) with this plugin. TGA and TIFF since UE5. It is also possible to import meshes (OBJ, FBX, STL)*2. The import works in realtime and without the editor. So in a running game. Textures and sounds are cached in RAM. Export functions have also been added via updates. In the latest version it is possible to export TextureRenderTarget2d to bytes (BMP,PNG,JPEG) and procedural meshes in OBJ files. This plugin does not use a third party library. This means that there are no problems with installations or licenses. Android and IOS support since version 2.0.
No special deals. Buy the plugin if you need it. My prices are low all year round.
Nativization in UE4 may cause problems and should be disabled in BPs that use this plugin.
Demo Download (Windows 64 .exe. ~230MB) and Videos
Demo Project 4.18 , 4.24 or higher (Requires this and Webcommunication Plugin.)
Demo Project 4.23 , 4.24 or higher (Requires this Plugin in Version >=2.7), 4.25 or higher (Requires this Plugin in Version >=3.3), 4.26 or higher, 5.0 or higher , 5.1 or higher (Requires this Plugin in Version >=3.52)
I offer here many other plugins to download files in-game (Webserver, FTP, TCP).
Updates and patches are provided for UE4.27 and UE5.1 and higher.
Changelog (4.27, 5.1- 5.4)
(02/08/2025) Version 3.55: Since problems have been reported, the old decompression is used again and the new one only if the old one fails.
(02/06/2025) Version 3.54: Improvement in image decompression (UE5). Minor bug fixes. FBX: Import speed drastically increased for very large meshes. Textures are now decompressed in parallel threads. Improved progress display.
Changelog (4.27 - 5.4)
(01/16/2025) Version 3.53: FBX compatibility increased.
(01/09/2025) Version 3.52: "Open File Dialog” function added. This allows you to select files and directories. Windows only. Minor optimizations.
(11/18/2024) Version 3.51: Fixed a bug during STL import that could lead to a crash. FBX and OBJ import now uses a more complex triangulation which increases compatibility.
Changelog (5.2, 5.3, 5.4)
(09/08/2024) Version 3.49: The Load Mesh Async function now shows the loading progress.
(08/28/2024) Version 3.48: Bugfix: Images with a bit depth greater than 32bit have led to a crash. A crash will no longer occur, but the textures are displayed incorrectly. Please use a maximum of 32 bit.
(07/03/2024) Version 3.47: New function "cancelLoadMeshFile" added. FBX and OBJ import slightly improved.
(05/13/2024) Version 3.46: Bugfix: FBX export from the latest Blender version has led to incorrect normals when importing via the plugin.
Changelog (5.1, 5.2, 5.3)
(04/20/2024) Version 3.45: An FBX file with faulty UV values could lead to a crash.
(04/19/2024) Version 3.44: OBJ files with vertex colors can now be imported.
(04/11/2024) Version 3.43: OBJ compatibility increased.
(04/07/2024) Version 3.42: Mesh export texture was missing.
(04/03/2024) Version 3.41: Bugfix in the function: stopAllSounds.
(02/26/2024) Version 3.40: It is now also possible to export meshes in OBJ format. Textures can also be exported. Currently only diffuse and normal. This function may still be buggy and will be improved in the future.
(01/23/2024) Version 3.33: "ModelID", "Parent ModelID" and other parameters added with which it is possible to represent a model/mesh hierarchy stored in FBX files. This means that relative positions and sizes work better. "Groups" are now also output as "Model Struct".
(09/27/2023) Version 3.32: Epic's "Calculate Tangents" function copied into the plugin and optimized. Minutes have become milliseconds.
Changelog (5.0, 5.1, 5.2)
(07/10/2023) Version 3.30: Added color depth check for image import. Unreal 5 needs at least 8bit images otherwise it crashes.
(06/10/2023) Version 3.29: Bugfix: SRGB is now only applied to Diffuse textures. Has led to errors with normal maps. Small demo update.
Changelog (4.27, 5.0, 5.1)
(04/07/2023) Version 3.27: Bugfix: FBX Roation was read incorrectly.
(04/03/2023) Version 3.26: New parameter "EventID" added to the Texture Async Node function. New parameter "Cache Texture" added to the texture and mesh import functions. Optimizations of the Asyn functions.
(03/18/2023) Version 3.25: Optimized the flow of the async functions. They now work without problems behind loops. The delay when deleting textures can now be configured.
(02/19/2023) Version 3.24: Ram consumption reduced on mipmap creation. Textures are now deleted with a 10 second delay for stability reasons.
(02/13/2023) Version 3.23: Closed a memory leak.
(02/06/2023) Version 3.22: New: FBX can be loaded with inverted UVs . Added a UTexture2D to UTexture2DDynamic function. The RGB format of the images can be chosen.
(12/14/2022) Version 3.21: Bugfix: UV's were read out incorrectly or not at all with certain FBX types.
Changelog (4.26, 4.27, 5.0)
(11/07/2022) Version 3.20: Memory leaks closed. Mainly for the mesh import function.
(09/26/2022) Version 3.16: Bugfix: Textures with transparency now create correct MipMaps. Cross compiling should work now.
(09/12/2022) Version 3.15: Bugfix: FBX meshes without textures were not loaded. For right-handed FBX meshes, the local position and rotation were not adjusted.
(09/10/2022) Version 3.14: When importing meshes, there is now the option "Left-hand, Right-hand". Since depending on the export the meshes were horizontally mirrored. FBX textures are now searched in the FBX directory if they were exported incorrectly.
(09/31/2022) Version 3.13: Many functions got an "asynchronous node" version. These are easier to implement asynchronous functions. There is also one for the meshes. Meshes are now divided into models in the first step. So you can load multiple models from one FBX file including location, scale and rotation.
(07/17/2022) Version 3.12: Bugfix: The function "Load Mesh File" has always returned "false" for FBX files since version 3.9
(07/14/2022) Version 3.11: OBJ Bugfix
(07/08/2022) Version 3.10: OBJ optimizations
Included formats
- versions