UE4 Launch Trailer: youtube.com/watch?v=Sd03gqMuMfE
UE4 1.1 Teaser: youtube.com/watch?v=I6QVVKqA5Yw
UE4 1.2 material interactions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6xjBjXFkEk
UE4 1.2 Improvements: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-PX-Iyo6lA
**UE5 Alpha Update is available!**
If you are making a game in Unreal Engine there is a reasonable chance you may at some point feature projectile weapons. Irrespective of your games genre (first/third person, RTS, adventure, anything!) when a projectile impacts something at high speeds you will invariably need impact particle effects.
Version 1.0 has 96 impact particles (small/med/large impact FX for 31 materials) with more to come. There are also ricochet FX, destruction fragment FX and a bonus grenade launcher with shrapnel. Update 1.1 added muzzle flashes/smoke, explosive canister blueprints, shell casing FX, a frag grenade, impact sound FX, a new material and improvements to the existing FX.
To show the FX in action, I have included example pistol, assault rifle and large calibre ammunition blueprints, with an example material system and bullet ricochets. There is also a modified first person template with procedural recoil, basic weapon select/grenade launcher and a bullet time mode. Also included is a demo map with material examples ready to shoot. Of course, how you want to spawn the FX is entirely up to you - completely ignore the demo blueprints if you wish.
Included formats
- versions