Update (December 19, 2024)(For UE5.3 or later only):
-Allosaurus, Brachiosaurus, Stegosaurus and Pteranodon have been added.
-Asset naming conventions have been updated to better align with Unreal Engine's recommended guidelines. Examples include:
Tex_Example → T_Example (Textures)
Mat_Example → M_Example (Materials)
Mesh_Example → SK_Example (Skeletal Meshes)
Other asset types have also been updated similarly.
Update(May 8, 2023)(For UE5.1 or later only):
-Tyrannosaurus and Gallimimus were added.
Update(June 29, 2022)(For UE5 or later only):
-Most materials have been unified by material instances.
-Add IKRig.
-Add groom.
Update(April 30, 2022):Support for UE5.
Addition of Groom and IKRIg(For UE5 or later only).
If you want to use groom, please enable the groom plugin and enable project settings-> rendering->optimization support for compute skin cache .
The operation of the groom has been confirmed only on Windows.
Appearance when used in a city sample:
Future update policy:
Additional IK rigs, instantiation of materials, unification of blueprints, modifications to models and textures.
These will be done in phases.
These modifications will be UE5 or later only.
Update(March 18, 2022) :
-Ankylosaurus, Pachycephalosaurus, Parasaurolophus, and Velociraptor were added.
The following are changes only for version 4.26 and later:
-Added Groom assets for Giraffe, Lion, Gorilla, Zebra, Wildebeest and Ostrich.
(To use Groom, please activate the Groom plug-in. Confirmation was done on Windows only.
If you want to remove Groom assets, once you have also activate the Groom plug-in.)
-Addition of deer and Impala female models.
-Gorilla and Hippopotamus texture were fixed.
-Hippopotamus and African penguin model were fixed.
Update (April 29, 2021) Vulture, Shoebill, Budgerigar, Armadillo, Capybara and Fruit bat were added.
Update (September 27, 2020) Toucan and Ostrich were added.
This package contains models of all animals JunnichiSuko created for UE4.
This contains 85 animals.
All animal names:
17 Birds:
Archaeopteryx, Bald eagle, Budgerigar, Cassowary, Chicken, Harpy eagle, Ostrich, Penguin, Raven, Red crowned crane, Robin, Seagull, Secretarybird, Shoebill, Swan, Toucan, Vulture.
28 Mamals:
Black rhinoceros, Cattle, Deer, Bear, Jerboa, Orca, Giraffe, Camel, Impala, Anteater, Armadillo, Cat, Capybara, Fruit bat, Goat, Elephant, Rabbit, Tapir, Wolf, Gorilla, Hippopotamus, Dolphin, Beaver, Seal, Pig, Squirrel, Horse, Lion.
14 Fishes:
Great white shark, Angelfish, Arowana, Ayu, Betta, Goldfish, Koi, Pirarucu, Salmon, Black rockfish, Horse mackerel, Mahimahi, Tuna, Dunkleosteus
Crocodile, Komododragon, Iguana, five Turtles and Tortoises, Gecko, Mosasaurus, Diplodocus, Spinosaurus, Triceratops, Ankylosaurus, Pachycephalosaurus, Parasaurolophus, Velociraptor, Leaf-tailed gecko.
Eight Invertebrates:
Snowcrab, Tarantula, Ant, Bee, Gold beetle, Anomalocaris, Scorpion, Ammonite.
-For details on individual releases, please see the publisher page.
-For details on BP and future policies, please refer to the documentation.
Technical Details
Realistic models, animations and textures
These have an animation set necessary for moving around with root motion(WalkForward, TurnRight, TurnLeft, WalkBack) except swimming and flying.
Some models, such as birds, include BPs with IK settings.
Includes third person character BP for animation test.
Scaled to Epic skeleton: Yes(Except insects and frog)
Rigged: Yes
Rigged to Epic skeleton: No
Animated: Yes
Number of characters:63
Vertex counts of characters:1000-30000
Texture Resolutions:512x512-4096x4096
Number of Animations:4592(When counting InPlace variations as different. )
Animation types (Root Motion/In-place):Both(Other than swimming and flying animations)
Supported Development Platforms:Windows, Mac OS(Except for Groom assets.)
Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows, Mac OS(Except for Groom assets.)
Included formats
- versions