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Media 1 for listing 60 UMG HUD Materials Pack 2


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60 Material Instances for use in your HUD designs. All Material Instances are customisable. You can customize the following:

  • Colour of Alpha Texture
  • Rotation of texture and panning speeds
  • Use of Flipbook
  • Texture off sets and tiling

Render 3D objects into your HUD

Render 3D models into your HUD using render target cameras without the texture / material setup. You have the ability to assign a single tag to a render camera and then reference that tag in the UMG you put the UMG_Render_Target class into which then does the render target texture and render target material creation at runtime saving having to create them manually in your content browser (see image 7).

Widgets in your environment

A blueprint actor class setup with 5 widget components allowing you to use UMG Widgets as a 3D effect in your environments with complete control. The blueprint class has been setup so you can easilly switch out your UMG Widgets in the details panel as well as setting up the distance between each widget layer to help create a projection effect. You can also control the draw size from within the details panel saving you time (see image 8).

Working keypads

Both of the UMG_Keypad classes have blueprint code in them which makes them work. All you need to do is when you drag on of the keypad widget classes into your UI class is set the correct code in the details panel in designer mode. You can then put your own blueprint code in for it to execute any event you want after the correct code is put in.

Included formats

  • logo of Unreal Engine format