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Media 1 for listing Blue Whale


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Elevate your underwater scenes with our Blue Whale package, featuring a cutting-edge procedural spline animation system.

This system dynamically handles acceleration, turning, and rolling along splines, bringing your whale to life with realistic movement.

The whale's mouth also opens when it approaches the player or can animate intermittently on its own, adding a layer of interactivity and realism.

This package includes 2 swimming animations (slow & fast), an idle animation, a mouth-open idle animation, and 2 Turning Poses included in a Blendspace, which can be used if you wish to create a controllable character.

The Spline animation system uses a Blendspace 1D to animate the whales swimming speed and uses Blueprint functions to rotate bones along the spline.

It comes with 4 LODs, Dry & Wet Materials, a Physics asset set up for ragdoll effects, and a large range of Blueprint settings allowing maximum customization.

The Material parent has been planned in advance to allow maximum tweaking so you can adjust your material instances with complete control.

Additionally, a demo scene has been included with Underwater PostProcess Settings, Caustic Lighting, Fog, & Depth of Field, along with many whales demonstrating what can be accomplished with the Whale’s Spline Blueprint.

Blueprint controls:
  • Starting Point

  • Toggle dynamic speed

  • Toggle mouth animation

  • Toggle mouth opening near player

  • Distance for mouth to start opening

  • Animation Playrates for slow and fast

  • Animation Acceleration & Deceleration

  • Timing for how long to swim slow and fast

  • Randomness multiplier of timing

  • Movement speed acceleration & deceleration

  • Movement speeds for slow and fast

  • Intensity of rolling around corners

  • Non-Dynamic speed, playrate & intensity

  • Roll, rotation & movement smoothing values

Included formats

  • logo of Unreal Engine format