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Media 1 for listing Twinmotion Content for Unreal Engine Plugin (Beta 4)


Beta Notice:

12-12-2022: This plugin is in beta 4 stage and has been updated to support Twinmotion 2022.2.3 for UE 4.27.2, UE 5.0.3 and UE 5.1

See release notes here.

To help us refining the feature set and solve potential bugs, we encourage you to use the following communication channels:

Discussions: General discussions and questions about this feature will be hosted on the Unreal Engine discussion forums here:

Bug reporting: If you have a Twinmotion file that isn’t importing correctly, share it with us. This form will let you send files to our team:

Survey: After you’ve had a chance to try a few projects, help us understand how well this feature works for you and define our next priorities by filling this short anonymous survey:

Included formats

  • logo of Unreal Engine format