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Media 1 for listing Instance Editor


  • Allows you to: Move , Scale , Rotate, Сlone / Delete HISM instances
  • Creating an actor with HISM instances from StaticMesh

Any actor not only HISM:

  • Сloning objects with options
  • Radial / Circular placement
  • Add Delta Transform (Location, Rotation, Scale)

If you want to change HISM instances, click "Editing Instances". Make changes. To apply the changes, press the "Editing Instances" button again.

During editing, instances are turned into Static Mesh Actor, after editing, they are turned back into instances.


Update 2.0 ( UE 4.23 or above): Radial placement

Update 1.5: Creating actors with instances, editing instances created by other utilities, support any number of HIMS components

Update 1.7 ( UE 4.21 or above): Choice of HISM or ISMC. Convert back to Static Mesh is possible. The name of the created actor is now based on the chosen Static Mesh.

Update 1.8: (UE 4.23 or above): Option 'Use BoundBox instead of Offset' for clone actor now suppor option 'Consider Rotate of Actor'. It is useful for cloning without gaps.


Forum Thread: Here

Included formats

  • logo of Unreal Engine format