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Media 1 for listing Elite Landscapes: Skybox Bundle Pack



Based on high demand, I present you all the skyboxes that I have made for Elite Landscapes Series here in this optimized pack with a very affordable price and without any landscapes & performance demanding systems.

In the project; you can find original, without color graded and post processed sky spheres in Overview Map and Post Processed versions with all the light setups, Post Process Volumes, Height Fog setups in Post-Processed Maps folder.

* Features 14 sky images

* 42 different color graded maps with different light, fog and Post Process setups

* All remastered in one single main material with different instances

The pack features all the skyboxes from the first Elite Landscapes packs till the release of this Bundle. Here's the individual Elite Landscapes packs in which the pack features skyboxes from:

Rocky Meadows

Rocky Hills


Desert I, II and III

Alien I, II, III and IV

Coastal Ruins

Fractal Glacier

Fractal Desert

I am a former digital matte artist and I hope you like my paintings.

Included formats

  • logo of Unreal Engine format