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Media 1 for listing Planet Creator 1



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Blueprint with over 50 customizable parameters useful to create any type of rocky planet using one single versatile material for the surface and another one for the atmosphere. The material blend textures together creating height maps, normal maps, color, specular and emissive maps, giving the total control of the surface and the atmosphere of your planet. Each parameter is controlled by the Blueprint, so you don't need to change parameters values in the material editor.

  • Atmosphere parameters determine every aspect of atmosphere and clouds. They allow you to control the height and the intensity of the atmosphere, as well as the opacity of clouds and colors.
  • Continent parameters control the shape, the erosion and the altitude of continents. Continent's color are based on the altitude and the latitude.
  • Equators and Poles parameters allow you to modify the style and the altitude of lands at different latutudes, as well as colors in different areas of the planet.
  • Water parameters control the presence and the distribution of water on the surface. Different options allow you to set water in liquid or solid state.
  • Lava parameters are useful when you want control the presence, the depth, the color and the heat of lava on the surface.

Included formats

  • logo of Unreal Engine format