A plugin that integrates Azure Speech Cognitive Services into Unreal Engine with simple functions which can do these asynchronous tasks:
- Speech to Text
- .wav File to Text
- Text to Speech
- Text to .wav File
- Text to Audio Data
- Text to Sound Wave
- SSML to Speech
- SSML to .wav File
- SSML to Audio Data
- SSML to Sound Wave
And helper functions:
- Convert File to Sound Wave
- Convert Audio Data to Sound Wave
- Load XML to String
- Qualify Path
- Qualify XML File Path
- Qualify WAV File Path
- Qualify File Extension
- Create New Directory
- Open Desktop Folder Picker
- Check and Add Android Permission
- Is Audio Data Valid
- Check Return from Recognition Map
- Get Available Voices
GitHub: lucoiso/AzureSpeech (github.com)
Forum: [FREE] AzSpeech plugin: Async Text-to-Voice and Voice-to-Text with Microsoft Azure
Included formats
- versions