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Media 1 for listing Prefab Tool


Prefab Tool allows you to store collection of preconfigured actors as prefab asset in the content browser, and then add the prefab to the same or any other levels as many time as you like. Actor references and hierarchy inside prefab are preserved.

Prefab can be edited in the level editor directly, all changes to the prefab can then be propagated to all existing prefab instances.

You can disconnect a prefab instance to prevent it being automatically updated from prefab changes. Or you can choose to revert any changes to the prefab instance.

Prefab can be nested to support complex scene hierarchy. Changes to nested prefab can be reverted or propagated like normal prefab.

Prefab can be converted back to normal actor or blueprint asset to be spawned in runtime.


What's new in 1.2.0

What's new in 1.0.6

What's new in 1.0.3

1.0 Preview



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Included formats

  • logo of Unreal Engine format